The old saying "Out like a lion, in like a lamb" did not ring true when March unfolded into April this year here in Seattle. It was reportedly the coldest April in Seattle since 1970. Yikes. With this being a new month and for me, a new year (I celebrated a birthday yesterday), I decided to give this blogging thingy a go for real. I hope to share behind the scenes action in my little jewelry studio tucked away in the attic, as well as some of the happenings in my world in the inspiring neighborhood of Queen Anne, Seattle.

I stumbled upon this art installation by Seattle artist, Abbie Berry, last evening while on an epic neighborhood walk. She calls it "Peace, Peace to Those Far and Near". Quotes from historical figures are written on laminated gold and silver paper and hang from tree branches. Though I have driven and walked by this tree many times during the day without stopping, last night the silver and gold cards were spinning wildy in the beautiful spring breeze just asking to be examined more closely.
And today was another glorius day, though not spent in the studio, but instead basking with a million other Seattleites soaking up well needed Vitamin D and feeling new inspirations.
Hummingbird enjoying the view outside my window |
"Peace, Peace to Those Far and Near", indeed!